
If you have been following my posts for any amount of time you have probably learned that I really struggle with letting go of control. I am not proud of this. Trying to be in control all of the time is really exhausting. Most of life is completely out of our control which means I have spent a large portion of my life putting energy towards a fleeting task. 2020 just about killed me because I had no control, especially in my professional life. I am a pastor. I pastor people. How was I supposed to do my job when I was literally not allowed to be with people? By God’s grace that weird 2-year stint helped me let go. Either God really taught me some things or I was just too freaking tired at the end of it to care anymore and just gave up. Either way, I have made some progress, and for that I am thankful.

But over the last few weeks, I have noticed the old control monster creeping up in my heart and mind. Part of my new role at Bethany is to help reimagine and recreate small groups at our church. We landed on a pretty groundbreaking idea. Ready for it? We are just saying “yes” to people and the ideas they have to create deeper relationships within our church family. Crazy, I know. Instead of completing tasks, we are equipping people to do what God has placed in their hearts and imaginations.

 On one hand, this is beautiful and amazing and on the other, it is driving me crazy because I am not in control. I am not talking about a power-hungry kind of control, as in I wield all the power and y’all better listen to me because I am a pastor. I am talking about not being in control in the sense that I am not sure how each group will go. Will this work? Will anyone sign up for this group or that group? What if I didn’t do enough? What if I didn’t equip people enough? I can easily fool myself into thinking that if I had more control I wouldn’t wrestle with any of those questions.

As leaders have been stepping up and as groups are starting to form, I have been blown away at how much more God gets done when I let go and simply say yes… say yes to him and say yes to the dreams other people have. Now, don’t get me wrong. This hasn’t been easy. It’s actually been more work than writing or picking out a curriculum and passing it out to small group leaders. It has involved lots of listening, coaching, and encouragement. But it has been so rewarding because I get to be on the front lines of seeing people be creative with their natural giftings. I am getting to watch people step up and meet the needs of our faith community.

Now, I have no idea how this will turn out. It could be an awful idea. But I really don’t think that is the case. If anything, it has been a great exercise in learning to let go and simply saying yes to God. So, I encourage you to let go of something this week. Not from a place of laziness or bitterness, but from a place of trust and faith. It’s pretty freeing and a lot more fun.

Grace and peace ‘till we rise in glory.




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