Not Young, But Not Old

As I am writing this, I am 37 years old. I’m not young but I’m not old. I can still sit on the floor and play with Soren without being in too much pain, but by beard is getting greyer by the day. The high school students at church think I am ancient and the quilting ladies at church think I am a youngster.

My first 13 years of ministry were at a fairly young church. Young in how long it had existed and young in its demographic. The church I currently serve is older. Older in how long it has existed (we are celebrating 60 years this fall) and older in its demographic. Being in this new context has forced me to think about our youth-obsessed culture. The social media platforms of “successful” or “influential” churches are plastered with pictures of young and attractive people. This week I read a post from a fairly well-known church leader (who is maybe in his mid 40’s) where he was basically yelling at the old people to get out of the way so the younger people can lead. The church is great at pitting things against one another. Traditional worship vs. modern worship. House church vs. large church. And even old vs. young.

Over the past few months, I have realized that a huge part of my ministry had a sort of vacuum in it by not having older saints to live life with. The older saints in our churches have decades of life experience that I have yet to live. How foolish am I to think I know better without even taking the time to learn from their experiences?

Now, is there a time for older leaders to pass on the baton of leadership and let the younger generation take the lead? Of course! But what about us younger leaders? Are we taking the time to learn from and honor the older saints in our faith communities? Or are we leaving them by the wayside, thinking they are just getting in the way and that we know better? The reality is that in a few snaps of my fingers I will be the old guy with a young pastor telling me how things should be done. How would I want to be treated then?

Paul’s words found in Romans 12:10 have been rattling around in my mind the past few days, “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”

I feel very honored by the older saints in my new church. They are very gracious and are allowing me to try new things and be who God has designed me to be, even if they don’t quite get it or agree with all of it. But I have also been blessed by their shared experience and wisdom. It’s not us against them. It’s about honoring one another. So, whether you are old or young or in-between like me, may we all have charitable and humble spirits as we try to live and serve together. Youngsters, honor the older saints. Older saints, share your wisdom with the youngsters and allow them to take risks. But in all of it, may we outdo one another in showing honor.

Grace and peace ‘till we rise in glory.


No Regrats Bro!

