My Life Isn’t Ordinary

If you have been keeping up with my weekly posts, you know that I write about the ordinariness of life. I am trying to discover the beauty and holiness that is hidden in the ordinary and mundane tasks of everyday life. In a way, I am trying to fight against the cultural milieu that says everything must be exciting and amazing all the time.

As I sit back and observe the horrific events that are unfolding in Ukraine, I have come to realize that my ordinary life is far from ordinary. My ordinary life is really a life of privilege and security that most people will never experience.

For the countless number of Ukrainian refugees who are being displaced, their ordinary life looks nothing like my ordinary life. If I am being honest, I don’t know what to do with this reality. If I sit and think about it too long, I begin to feel guilty and overwhelmed.

So, I try to distract myself from any unpleasant feelings. Then I feel like a jerk because I am choosing not to face the evil that is tearing this world apart.

I don’t know how to process all of this. I am guessing I am not the only one who feels this way. I don’t have any answers. All I know is that I am going to hold my wife and son a little longer tonight.

By God’s grace, I will continue to try to be an agent of love in a world that is being destroyed by hate. Because of God’s grace, I will continue to confess and repent of where I have contributed to the unleashing of hell in God’s good creation.

In faith, I will continue to hope in the words Jesus’ promises to proclaim when he returns,

Behold, I am making all things new.

Grace and peace ‘till we rise in glory.  


Life Is Fragile


He Is Kind of A Big Deal