This Isn’t a Life-Changing post.
The weather is awful today. It’s cold, windy, and rainy. I have a list of things I need to get done, writing this post is on that list, and finding any motivation to hunker down and do what I need to do is like pulling teeth. I have been racking my brain for ideas of what to write about this week and nothing has come to mind. Inspiration has not hit me between the eyes. I haven’t had any ah-ha moments this week that I feel would add any value to your life… and that is why I have called this little corner of the internet Encouragement in the Ordinary. For most of us, life is very ordinary.
As I sit and type in this coffee shop, I am watching a mom feed her child who looks like he is the same age as Soren. Feeding an 18-month-old sucks. It’s messy and takes forever. I feel for the mom. But she has a smile on her face despite the mess on the floor (better the coffee shop’s floor than her kitchen, haha).
There are several people sitting at their laptops with earbuds shoved into their ears typing and scrolling away. They are most likely answering emails or scrolling through IG or FB to distract themselves from their work on this cold, windy, rainy morning.
In the booth across from me are four guys talking about their church. I can tell they are pastors. They are wrestling through the same things I wrestle through every day. Things like the pros and cons of online worship. How do we engage a culture that seems more and more disinterested in anything the church has to offer? Does what we do even matter? I feel for you guys.
Two other guys are eating breakfast tacos and are talking about their day-to-day lives. I hear them talking about their jobs and their families. Normal ordinary stuff.
Nothing here is Instagram-worthy, except for that teenage girl’s $6 latte. She has spent the last five minutes taking pictures of it. It’s probably cold by now, but it sure does look good. Nothing here is extraordinary. It is completely ordinary. It’s just another cold, windy, and rainy day in the suburbs. And that is ok. And you know what? I have written almost 400 words. I guess I didn’t need inspiration. I just needed to show up and do the work. I doubt you found anything life-changing in these 400+ words, but I’m ok with that. At worst I wasted a few minutes of your day. At best maybe you got a little encouragement in the fact that your ordinary life is totally normal and that is ok. Go be ordinary!
Grace and peace ‘til we rise in glory.